Past Updates


Thank you for your interest in Sandaraska Park

We are now (Oct 21st, 2024) closed for the season. If you are interested in a seasonal site for 2025, please fill out an online application, and we will let you know which sites are available. If you’re looking for short-stay camping, visit here.

Winter access for current residents

The park will be open on the following days for walk-in access only. There will be no power, water, or washrooms open. Access is from 9 AM to 5 PM on the following dates:

  • November 16 & 17, 2024
  • December 14 & 15, 2024
  • January 11 & 12, 2025
  • February 8 & 9, 2025
  • March 29 & 30, 2025
  • April 12 & 13, 2025

The purpose of the access dates is to satisfy the requirements of some insurance companies that insist that clients have the opportunity to check on their unit every 30 days if it is unoccupied. No one is permitted to stay overnight on these weekends. If there is an emergency and you absolutely need to enter the park, please contact us to schedule (there is a fee).

If you choose to bring your dogs with you when you check on your trailer, please remember to keep them leashed and cleaned up after, thanks!

08/27/2021 @11:46 AM:

Current residents: the 2022 License of Occupation and Schedule 1 is now available here.
You can find more information on renewals by reading the recent newsletter.

06/11/21 @ 10:09 AM:

Residents are allowed to bring in visitors as of June 11th! Camping resumes June 11th as well! Click ‘book now’ to find the booking portal. Please remember that we must continue to follow public health measures in order to remain open and on track for the next step of Ontario’s opening plan. More information on the rules around step 1, as well as pool announcements and other items in the newsletter linked below.

Click here for updates and information in our recent newsletter!

Have a great weekend!

05/13/2021 @ 3:00 PM:


Q: How does Ontario’s stay at home order affect my reservation?

A: We are in the process of canceling all short-stay reservations between now and June 2nd. We are issuing a full refund to anyone who is affected by this. Due to the high volume of reservations, we are not offering the option to reschedule your reservation, but you are welcome to rebook a new date online. You can still visit our booking portal to create reservations for arrival dates anytime after the stay at home order is lifted.

Q: Can I bring in guests?

A: No. The only people permitted in the park are seasonal residents. Anyone holding an additional season pass is permitted, but you all must be in the same household.

Q: How can I book a reservation?

A: Click the ‘book now’ button at the top right of our website.

Q: Do you have any seasonal availability and how do I apply?

If you are interested in joining us for the 2021 season, please fill out the application form here and send it over to us. We do have limited availability this year and we are working our way through our waiting list.

Q: How can I find out more about trailer sales?

A: If you would like to discuss purchasing a park model, contact Morgan in sales ( We are a dealership for Northlander, Woodland Park, and Quailridge. We are expecting more stock this summer and have a number of sites to choose from. Whether you are upgrading from your current trailer, or looking to purchase your first, we would be happy to answer all the questions you have! As for used trailers, listings are posted on the sales pages of our websites as they come in.

04/15/2021 @ 12:35 PM:

April 15th 2021 Update

Check out the newsletter for news and updates: click here!

Common inquires:

Q: How does Ontario’s stay at home order affect my reservation?

A: We have cancelled all existing short-stay reservations and suspended new ones for the first week of May due to the restrictions put in place by the provincial government.

Q: How can I book a reservation?

A: Click the ‘book now’ button at the top right of our website. There is currently a 10% discount on all online reservations made until May 1st! Please email us at if you experience any problems with the booking process.

Q: Do you have any seasonal availability and how do I apply?

If you are interested in joining us for the 2021 season, please fill out the application form here and send it over to us.

Q: How can i find out more about trailer sales?

A: If you would like to discuss purchasing a park model, contact Morgan in sales ( We are a dealership for Northlander, Woodland Park, and Quailridge. We are expecting more stock early spring 2021 and have a number of sites to choose from. Whether you are upgrading from your current trailer, or looking to purchase your first, we would be happy to answer all the questions you have! As for used trailers, whether you are thinking of listing or looking to buy, we will not resume used trailer sales until the park is up and running in the spring.

01/12/2020 @ 5:10 PM:

Due to the announcement by the Provincial Government today, we are to abide by the stay at home order. The upcoming access weekend (January 16th & 17th) is cancelled. We will be walking the grounds to survey the property of our residents and we will contact you directly about any damage or concerns regarding your trailer.

Click here for more information in the newsletter.

Stay home and stay safe!

3:48 PM 12/21/2020:

We will be opening up for online bookings on January 1st, 2021!

More information and updates found in the most recent newsletter.

1:43 PM 10/28/2020:

This Thursday the forecast calls for a low temperature of -5 Thursday night and -6 Friday night.  There is very little warm-up on Friday during the day. In the past, we have learned that our infrastructure will tolerate -2 for 3 hours before taps begin to break.  At $8 per tap, this becomes a very expensive lesson.

In case you missed the Facebook post, we have had to make a decision in the best interest of our infrastructure and we will begin turning off the water on Thursday October 29th. Be prepared to be without water anytime after 10 AM. Please make plans to either have water on hand for the final days or to close up a day or 2 early.

We wish this was something within our control, but unfortunately this is our only option! We would expect nothing else from 2020. Take care everyone!

See the newsletter archive here for more information.

11:17 AM 10/23/2020:

Some important information and reminders as the season wraps up:

  • The final date that the park will be open is Saturday October 31st and the gates will be closed and locked at 5 pm. There is no access beyond this, except for the listed access dates below.
  • All washroom buildings will be closed up on October 26th! This includes the laundry room. The outhouses throughout the park have already been closed.

Winter access dates: The following are the date the gates will be open for you to check on your trailer:

  • November 7 and 8
  • December 5 and 6
  • January 16 and 17
  • February 6 and 7
  • March 6 and 7
  • April 3 and 4

Please be very careful getting around the park as it is walk-in access only & the roads will not be plowed. Access is 9 am to 4 pm and the gates will be locked outside of these hours. As usual, the office is not open on these weekends, but if you are looking to get in touch with us during the off-season, you can call or email.

Click here to see more information in the newsletter.

4:25 PM 09/03/2020:

Safety measures to protect from the spread of COVID-19 are still in place. Per government mandate, masks are to be worn inside all buildings (laundry facilities, washroom building, office, etc). Please continue to social distancing rules (6 ft or 2 meters) from anyone not in your immediate circle.

Follow the link below for a letter from Kyle and Morgan Jenkin, as well as renewal information for 2021! Click here to access the 2021 License of Occupation and Schedule 1 for returning residents.

Click here for the September newsletter!

6:06 PM 06/20/2020:

Great news: the pool will be OPEN starting June 20th 2020!!!! The pool with be staffed with a lifeguard from 10 AM to 7 PM on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. We are not going to reinstate adult swim hours right away, but we are collecting feedback in case you would like to see us bring this back!

The pool is now only allowed to function at half capacity (30 people on deck). We have been in constant discussion with the Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge health unit to negotiate a safe capacity and this agreement comes with conditions. We ask that you help us follow these rules as HKPR will not hesitate to lower this capacity if boundaries are tested. Any patrons not following new policies and/or not respecting instructions of the lifeguard will be asked to leave immediately.

Every two hours, the lifeguard will blow the whistle to clear out both the pool and the pool deck. They will then spray down all high-touch surfaces (chairs, handrails, gate, etc.) with a 10% bleach solution. Once this is done, you may re-enter the pool. We will not provide any pool toys, floaties, or lifejackets.

Unfortunately, after clarification following last week’s announcement, we must close the playground for the time being. This is expected to be open going into stage 3. Washrooms and outbuildings remain open.

A few quick reminders…
– Please remember that all dogs must be kept on leash in the park, as well as in the Ganaraska trails!
– For those riding horses on the road near the main gates, please do your best to tidy up after your horses to help limit the spread of mess through the rest of the park.
– You must have your guests stop by the office and pay for admission when they enter the park.

Transient Camping Information
Good news! We are allowed to continue with our short stay clients and the online booking system is active.
regular serviced camping is open!
Pine Alley is open! (if you are booking for Pine Alley, please read the descriptions carefully as the section has undergone an amazing renovation)
camping in the Pit remains closed until further notice
Click here to check availability and book a reservation.

4:00 PM 06/10/2020:

A quick note regarding the Ontario Government’s announcement for stage 2 opening and what that means for us at Sandaraska. Firstly, as things begin to open again and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we want to take moment to say thank you to all of you who stuck with us during this challenging time. Hard to believe that just a month ago the park was closed, there was snow in the air, and we had no idea when we could re-open. Obviously this was not what we had in mind for spring 2020!

Ontario’s Stage 2 goes into effect as of Friday June 12th and here is what you need to know:

Seasonal Information
As of Friday June 12th:

  • bathrooms, laundry, playgrounds will be open
  • daily and overnight visitors will be permitted (have them register and pay at the office)
  • follow social distancing as instructed by government (keep gatherings to a maximum 10 people, 6′ distance between other people, wash your hands often, wear a mask when social distancing might be difficult, etc.)

The swimming pool is still awaiting inspection by the regional health board. Not only that, but they have not yet announced further regulations from the regional health board in terms of how the pool will operate in response to COVID-19.

Transient Camping Information
Good news! We are allowed to continue with our short stay clients and the online booking system is active.

  • open for regular serviced camping starting Friday June 12th
  • Pine Alley opens Monday June 15th (if you are booking for Pine Alley, please read the descriptions carefully as the section has undergone an amazing renovation)
  • camping in the Pit remains closed until further notice

3:58 PM 06/09/2020:

Good afternoon everyone! Here is the update you all have been waiting for:

Transient camping
We are opening up for short-stays this weekend! The online booking system will be open by tomorrow morning so that you can start making reservations for the summer. Please go to our website and click BOOK NOW at the top right corner of the page to find the booking portal. Regular serviced camping will resume this Friday June 12th. Pine Alley will resume camping Monday June 15th. Camping in the Pit will remain closed until further notice. If you are booking for Pine Alley, be sure to read the descriptions of the sites. The number of pens on some of the sites have changed and all the pens have been converted to 12×12 wooden, covered pens!

You may have visitors this weekend! Your guests must stop by the office to register and pay admission on their way in. Please remember that the government is still encouraging social distancing and gatherings are to be kept to a maximum of 10 people.

Washrooms, Laundry, and Pool
The shower-house, washrooms, out buildings, and laundry room are all going to be open on Friday! The pool is still pending as we await inspection from the regional health board.

Thanks and have a great week!

11:55 AM 05/27/2020:

Social activities are suspended, which includes games that result in large gatherings. You are permitted to do these activities with your family.

The playground is still closed, but the woodchips have been installed for when they are opened up! Bathrooms are going to remain closed for now. We are hoping to open the laundry facilities soon. The pool is being prepared for the inspection from Regional Health so that it will be ready to open at a moment’s notice!

There are still no daily visitors welcomed into the park. If someone is on your 2020 License of Occupation and possesses a season pass, they are allowed to be in the park.

We are still accepting applications for seasonal sites. We also have several sites available for a one-year lease (now-October 31st). The rate for the one-year sites includes lawn maintenance and hydro. If this is something you might be interested in, just send us an email or give us a call!

Update on Transient and Camping
We have cancelled all short-stay reservations up to June 15th. This is because we are currently only permitted to grant access to seasonal clients and we are unsure of when this will change. The Ontario government issued a release today which extends this closure until June 9th at least. Suspending camping was not an easy choice to make, but with continued uncertainty and increased regulations, we have determined this to be the safest and most fair way to proceed. We await updates from the government on when we should expect this to change. Until then, booking new reservations has been paused as well. We are offering full refunds for all cancellations due to COVID-19.

Ganaraska Forest Information
All areas and the Ganaraska Forest are set to open to hiking on May 22, 2020. Phase 2 will allow non-motorized uses on May 29, followed by motorized and all uses by June 5. It is to be noted that trails in the Millennium Conservation Area in Port Hope will become one way. Dogs are to be kept on-leash at all times in the forests. Yearly forest passes have all been granted a 2-month extension (ex. If yours is set to expire May 2020, please come and renew it in July 2020).

Thank you and stay safe!

12:44 PM 05/15/2020:

Based on the announcement from the Ontario Government this afternoon we have the all clear to open as of this Saturday May 16th!!!!! You can come up to your trailer and catch up on all the yard work and cleaning you have been yearning for! It’s important to note this comes with some conditions, so please read the following carefully.

  • The washroom building, outhouses, and laundry facilities will be closed until further notice. Please use the washrooms in your trailers. You can use our dumping station if need be.


  • The playgrounds and all other public areas are closed as well. The playground is still under construction anyway as we await the safety ground covering. The company just opened up and they are catching up on their jobs!



  • The office is currently open from 9 AM to 5 PM, seven days a week. Please practice social distancing if you come by to see us, the office is operating with one in, one out, so be mindful of that.


  • The opening of the parks pertains to guests with current seasonal contracts only, which means that for now we have to hold off on trailer sales appointments and visitors looking to bring in their trailers. We are still accepting site applications from those who would like to join us here, but the application process has been paused. We will contact everyone who has applied once we are allowed to have you visit the park.


  • The conditions for opening extend to limitations on visitors as well. Unfortunately, you are not to have any guests this weekend. Please only our registered seasonal clients until further notice! There will be plenty of time for grilling and catching up when it is safe.


  • All transient reservations continue to be suspended until June 1st. Any new reservations in Pine Alley are suspended until June 15th as we are completing construction.


  • Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service has lifted the burn ban effective May 8, 2020. The current burn hazard index is set to high. Please use extreme caution when burning and take precautions to prevent the spread of fire.

If you’re around this weekend, make sure to check out what we have done to Pine Alley! This area is still under construction, but we are very excited about what it’s going to turn into.

Another area under construction is the ATV and bike lot. Something exciting we have decided to do is to build a kid-friendly pump track! Plans for this are still in the works, but we will release more information soon!

If you are up this weekend and would like to store your things back in the ATV and bike lot, go for it! Just keep in mind it will be temporary and you may have to move it as the construction is completed. Please keep your items off to the side in the old section, out of the way of the ongoing construction area. In October last year, we announced that you will not be able to move your metal sheds back into this lot and this has not changed.

Please remember that it is vital you all practice social distancing. We have made it so far through this pandemic and we absolutely do not want an outbreak in the park to set us back again! We know that everyone will want to socialize and catch up with your neighbours, but you must be careful!

Stay safe everyone and we will see you soon!

3:14 PM 05/06/2020

Hi Everyone! I am sorry that it’s been so long since our last update but we have been expecting a solid timeline.

On Monday, May 4th I spoke with York Region public health. I called in really just to touch base and “get the temperature” of how things were looking; the conversation was positive and upbeat. The Public Health department is looking at pool inspections for pool openings, meaning that it looks like the pools will be able to open. Of course, I didn’t get into timelines, but I didn’t get the impression that it would be significantly delayed. This is great news!

In Alberta last week seasonal trailer parks were included in the 1st phase of opening. Although this doesn’t affect us directly, I am hopeful that this is a good sign for us going forward.

We have been eagerly awaiting the announcement today from the Ontario government, but unfortunately, there was no timeline provided.

Today, Premier Ford extended the Emergency Order Act until Tuesday, May 19th. This means that the current measures remain in place for now.

At the same time, he also announced that nurseries, hardware stores and some other retail is allowed to open. I am still hopeful that we are going to hear good news soon, but as of right now, I am not able to give anyone a hard date for when they can use their trailer as they normally would.

We are continuing to work the phones, and we are in touch with all of the agencies responsible for our opening. I believe that we can conduct ourselves in a way to limit the risk and we are getting that message out loud and clear.

Stay tuned. We are hopeful for good news very soon.

Park update.

The staff are continuing to work every day at getting the park ready. We are moving lot by lot and cleaning up all of the leaves so that when you can return, it is ready for you.
The new playgrounds are just waiting for the safety base to be installed, but unfortunately that company is still closed down.

We are continuing to work on Pine Alley to get all of the horse stalls complete so that we are ready when transient camping opens up.

This upcoming weekend the weather is a mess! Apparently, Mother Nature thought it would be fun to throw in a polar vortex in the mix! Saturday is calling for a high of 5 degrees with SNOW and rain if you can believe it! On Monday, May 11th they are calling for a low of -6!!!

There is some good news……to date we have not seen the murder hornet around the park!

The office will be open this weekend as previously posted this Saturday and Sunday (May 9th May 10th) from 9-5 if you need to access your trailer to check on it.

Morgan and I will continue to work the phones and we will continue to be transparent as we get new information.

Stay safe

Kyle and Morgan.

11:39 AM 05/01/2020

Hello everyone! We have been getting a lot of great questions coming in on email and we are hoping this quick update can alleviate some concerns.

For our current residents: Where do we stand currently and can I see my trailer?

  • The Ontario Government extended the emergency orders restricting our opening until at least May 6th
  • Beginning this weekend, the park office will be staffed on weekends from 9 AM to 5 PM
  • We encourage everyone to stay home, but if you do feel the need to check on your property, you will be allowed on weekends between 9 AM and 5 PM
  • You can make payments during this time, but please respect the instructional office signs for distancing
  • You must be off the property by 5 PM
  • You must register at the office before entering using the buzzer at the gate
  • Please no public gatherings
  • Bathrooms, La Barn and playgrounds are all closed
  • No bonfires in accordance with the Kawartha fire ban
  • Only gate cards of registered snowbirds will be authorized (you are to have emailed with your information)

We are fighting as an industry for the right to access our vacation properties and we need your help! Please be on your best behaviour and there will be time to hang out with friends and neighbours soon.

For those who have given notice that they plan to vacate, we will be reaching out to you to clarify the details of your accessibility.

The government is telling us that the outbreak has peaked in Ontario and hopefully we will be on the decline very soon if we continue to work together and follow the boundaries they set. There’s still lots of time to make this season a good one, it sure will be memorable!

Enjoy the rest of your week and stay safe!


9:53 AM 04/19/2020:

As many of you may already know the Ontario Government recently extended the declaration of emergency until May 12th.  Although we are getting conflicting information from our legal team and MPP’s, it does look like we will remain closed until May 12th, pending further updates. We have been in constant contact with all levels of government and are doing our absolute best to fight for both our customers and our industry. This newsletter linked below addresses the most recent announcements and current changes to park policy. Please read on for information pertaining to snowbirds, season fees, reservations for short-stay campers, and how we are handling the what-ifs.


2:33 PM 04/15/2020:

Due to the progression of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have suspended use of the park for short-stay campers for the month of May. We will be cancelling and fully refunding all reservations that take place during this closure. Please await an email confirmation and a phone call to confirm you are aware of the situation. We are sincerely sorry for this change of plans. Short-stay camping is set to resume June 1st 2020. Please bear with us as we take precautionary measures to ensure the safety and comfort of our customers. For anyone planning to stay with us while exploring the Ganaraska trails, keep in mind that the Ganaraska Forest and Forest Centre also remain closed until further notice. We thank you for your understanding and hope you can book with us soon at Sandaraska Park!

For our seasonal residents, please await further updates.

2:46 PM 03/27/2020:

Morgan and I have been working closely with the regional Health departments along with Town bylaw and the regional police departments. We have the advantage in that with Cedar Beach, which opened April 1st, we have been in constant communication with the various government agencies. We are as up to date as you can possibly be with the current pandemic. I have a direct line to both, York Region Public Health and HKPR District Health that governs Sandaraska. We have good relationships with the people who are making decisions and have earned their respect. The current manager of HKPR used to work for York Health, I have had a good working relationship with him for many years. When he doesn’t know or we need to check if our solution will be ok, he calls the Solicitor General.

I tell you all of this because I want you to understand that we are at the forefront of the regulations as they are being made. I have not been concentrating as much on our response to this pandemic as it pertains to Sandaraska for the simple reason that the park is closed.

The park opens May 1st, it has always been that way and nothing has changed.

We do provide access dates when the park is closed so that you can go up and check your trailer and remain in compliance with your insurance regulations. This is not one of those weekends! We are currently under a Provincial State of Emergency and they have enacted the Quarantine act allowing them to charge people with very hefty fines.

We are also under a mandatory “shelter in place” order until April 18th, with most businesses forced to close and your only purpose to leave your house for essential items like food. Regions have suspended peoples use of cottages, trailers and anything else that is not essential.

The reason that I feel the need to write this is because I have read some comments that indicate people are planning to come up to the park this weekend. Given that we are currently under all of these restrictions, given that the park is closed, given that this is not an access weekend, there should be no one in the park over the holiday weekend.

This virus does not have legs, it is a hitchhiker, we transport it around and drop it off.

Please use a little common sense and show the health units that we will respect the boundaries they have put in place for our safety. If we do not, if we thumb our nose at the regulations they will simply keep increasing the restrictions until people get the message. Translation, ignoring these rules could put the park and your access to it in jeopardy.

Please, stay home, stay safe and respect the restrictions that are in place for the short term.

Thank you in advance for understanding, cooperating and keeping us looking good.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend, wherever you may be. It will certainly be an Easter that we won’t forget!

– Kyle and Morgan Jenkin